All Articles, Revelations of the Word of God, Wealth/Work

Why Our Economy Will Crash Again Leading to A Recession

Nowadays our society is divided more than ever by political, racial, and religious views. Another divisive topic to add to the list is the debate of whether or not there is another recession looming in the horizons after the one from 2008.

We have experienced quite a “booming” economy since the last recession of 2008. Home prices have tremendously increased over the years, consumer consumption has also increased as well as companies’ earnings, and our stock market has been doing quite well as confidence in the dollar rose leading to increased investments. That was until the end of 2018 moving into year 2019. The stock market since end of 2018 has been reaching new lows before bouncing back up while purchases reported over the year-end holiday season came in significantly lower than many retailers forecasted. One must understand that Black Friday and the Year-end holiday seasons have 

Word divided

historically been considered peak seasons when retailers experience significant increase in sales.

Furthermore, during the first quarter of 2019, several retailers in the clothing and automobile industry have been announcing record high number of layoffs and store closures. The stock market appears to have not fully recovered either while delinquencies are being reported across the nation for car payments and student loans. A recession is no longer a possibility at this point but a reality of the near future.  

Many economists in recent years have also introduced the notion of “cycles” to all things. Many agreed that if one studies historical economic patterns, after 7 – 8 years there is always a recession. There are also other cycles that were discovered for social unrest and major wars such as WORLD WAR I and WOLRD WAR II.

However, the Bible which is about 2700 years has already summarized those cycles in the following words:

Ecclesiastes 1 – 9:11

9 . What has been will be again,

what has been done will be done again;

there is nothing new under the sun.

10. Is there anything of which one can say,

“Look! This is something new”?

It was here already, long ago;

it was here before our time

10. No one remembers the former generations,

and even those yet to come

will not be remembered

by those who follow them.

Many could have simply read this passage to understand that there is a cycle to all things. This would have saved mankind hours of study. However, the studies such as the ones undertaken by the economists who are now proponents of economic and war cycles for example still hold value as they will help predict the approximate timeframe the cycles are bound to occur again.

Now let’s stop debating whether or not there will be a recession as there will be one and start preparing ourselves by first making sure that you are right with God then adding in other preparations as you are led by the Holy Spirit:


Proverbs 27:12

A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself; but the simple pass on, and are punished.


Much love Beloved!