New World Religion
All Articles, Meaning of Being A Christian, The End Times / The Church, To The Non-Believer

The New World Religion (PART I)

This article is addressed to those who believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel and are followers of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Great I Am. Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel who was born of the Virgin Mary, died a Calvary for the sins of the world, and was resurrected on the third day by The Great I Am The Father though the power of the Holy Ghost, The Great I Am. I am then addressing this article to those who thence believe themselves to be “Christians”, a term which was first coined in the book of Acts 11:26 to describe the followers of Jesus Christ. One can then not claim to be a “Christian” without believing in Jesus Christ the only begotten son of God as Lord and Savior.

A. Background of the One Government and Religion

A “conspiracy” regarding “one world government” emerged since the 1980’s. The conspiracy was that a one world government will be formed in the future under which all nations will come together. The main goal of this type of government is to unite the world and bring peace. Subsequently, one area of reform that this type of government must affect to achieve its goal is religion. This will be presented to the average person as the attempt to unify people of all creeds, ethnic backgrounds, and cultures by encouraging them to believe that we all worship one “god” and to set aside all variances in religious believes.

Dear reader, nothing is further from the truth.

Fast forward to today in year 2020, this “one world government” along with its “one world religion” are unfortunately no longer a conspiracy theories but rather a reality that is rapidly unfolding before our very eyes. There are world religion leaders who have been meeting around the world this year with the sole purpose of finding common grounds to unite all world religions by doing 

new world religion

away with the specificities that individualizes those religions. The encouragement I believe is to focus on the “god” aspect only of all religions. Focusing on the “god” aspect of any religion can in turn lead to agreeing that all religions believe in one “god”.

Again, this is nothing further from the truth and here is why.


B. All Religions Are Fundamentally Different

All religions are fundamentally different as each have different spirits at their core which in turn is indicative of the differences between the god(s) on which they were founded.  If you belong to or believe in a religion however in the manner that the average person does nowadays by not truly practicing the religion or understanding the founding blocks of it, you might be completely oblivious to the notion of “spirit” and have no understanding of the “god” behind your religion. However, it is not because you are oblivious to “this fact” that it means that there are no spiritual aspects to all religions.

For example, if you search the definition of the word “religion” in Google for the sake of simplicity, the first definition that comes up will be in these terms:

“the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods”

It is therefore impossible to belong to a religion while denying the existence of an unseen god or entity behind it. If unseen, then those gods are spirit beings that are not human.  And given that all religions  are significantly different in many aspects as we will later explore in this article, one can see why it would be quite impossible to simply “unify” all world religions as doing so is far beyond the mere unification of “believes” in a single god. Rather every religion has an identity that is etched in the personality traits of whatever spirit (s) or god had inspired it. As a result:

Doing away with one’s religion consequently leads to doing away with the “god” one’s believes in to follow another “god” that you are being handed down and no longer choosing. Because a religion will always have a “spirit” or a “god” at its foundation. Now that you are being asked to give away your religion for a one world religion, you are being subtly led to do away with the god you believe in. Wait until you see what the consequence will be when you choose not to adhere to that religion, persecution to make you to comply will follow

Some may attempt to argue that a “world religion” that will unify the world is overdue because of the evolvement of the event of globalization. Based on Investopedia, “globalization is the spread of products, technology, information, and jobs across national borders and cultures. In economic terms, it describes an interdependence of nations around the globe fostered through free trade” (Investopedia,

Globalization is then an event which helped remove geographical barriers from business exchanges and interactions among nations while religious believes are matters of the heart based on what one is spiritually convicted of. We believe with our hearts. Consequently, one cannot simply do away with what one believes in the heart as we did with geographical barriers among nations as it was the case of globalization. A religious transition is not a physical process but a spiritual one. Again, religion is a matter of the heart while globalization is simply not

It is hence impossible to simply merge all religions of the world into one when the respective gods being worshiped in those religions are quite different. Although they are referred to as “god” in all religions, that label is used to simply indicate their deity status that confirms first that they are not human, but spirits.


C. How Do Religions Around the World Differ?

In almost all cases, the theological believes and worship practices that govern each religion are simply fundamentally different. Based on each religion, those differences are noticeable in 4 main areas:

Difference # 1

The nature of the spirit being referred to as “god” for that particular religion

Difference # 3

The purpose of life on earth

Difference # 2

The origin of creation as described by that god

Difference # 4

The afterlife

C.1. The nature of the spirit of deity called “god” of that religion

a.Who is the god in question being worshipped?

Though all religions use the term “god” to refer to the spirit on which the religion was founded, the personality or nature of that spirit greatly vary. Some religions are founded by a mere human who upon death was later made god to be worshipped. The absence of a spirit often refer to as god in those religions in this case automatically invalidates the argument that such belief systems is a “religion” as a religion at its core requires the existence of a power higher than that of a human. A mere human searching for truth through various teachings and religions can simply not become god.

Now other religions have multiple gods at their core which will make it quite easy for them to accept the one world religion. Such religion believes in the existence of many gods to begin with so one more god will simply not make a difference.

As far as us Christian are concerned, here are few reminders of the God we worship as he never wants to be lumped in with any other God for it is written:

“I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.” At this, Moses hid his face, because he was afraid to look at God.” (Exodus 3:6, NIV) – Notice that he did not say that I am “God”, he specified that he is a very specific God not simply to be meshed with any other gods.

“The king answered unto Daniel, and said, Of a truth it is, that your God is a God of gods, and a Lord of kings, and a revealer of secrets, seeing thou couldest reveal this secret.” (Daniel 2:47, NKJV) – This definition God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel was given by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon who was worshipping other gods who did not believe in the God of Israel. However after the miracle that was performed by Daniel who worshipped the God of Israel by which he was not only able to tell him the dream while all his priests couldn’t but was also able to interpret it, King Nebuchadnezzar bowed down and declared that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel is not just one of the other gods but acknowledged that he was the true God calling him : the God of gods and the Lord of kings”. King David also said in Psalm 95:3 that “for the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods” (KJV). The God of the Bible referred to himself the only true God above all gods, not as one of the gods.

“No, I imply that what pagans sacrifice they offer to demons and not to God. I do not want you to be participants with demons.” (1 Corinthians 10:20, ESV) – The apostle Paul while referring to the other gods of the other religions referred to them as “idols”, not god. Throughout the Bible the god of other religions are referred to as idols, and this specific passage of apostle Paul, demons. Coming from a pagan background myself full of witchcraft which was the practice of my ancestors, once I was freed by the blood of Jesus, I now fully understand what this passage meant on a personal level.

I know that hearing this about the god of your particular ancestors that your people believe in as in them being called demons seems quite offensive and what comes to one’s minds is “who do these Christians think they are to assert that THEIR God is the right God?”. However, turns out that this is the bit of every truth. The truth of the Bible is not to “accept “ all religions like we now want to do in society, but to set us human free from bondage so we can live life in abundance and live in the freedom that is only found in Jesus Christ whose blood had reconciled us to God and redeemed us.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6, NIV) – This again is another passage that many religions find quite offensive, but Jesus Christ is indeed the only way. Not only because he is the only begotten son of the God of Israel who came in the flesh to earth but because of the work he did at Calvary to set you and I free from ancestral curses and bondages that are plaguing many in the world. The power is in the blood and the name of in Jesus Christ. His blood that he poured the day he died at calvary is what reconciled you and I to God, cleansed us from sins, and set us free from bondage. I was one of those, so I know. Jesus had already fought the battle that only he could fight and won for us already thousands of years ago before we were even born. Faith is the only way to access what Jesus Christ had accomplished on our behalf.

Some of you have been struggling with curses in your families for centuries, unless you receive Jesus Christ the same things that happened to your parents will be perpetuated in your life. The only fight you have to do is to “believe” what Jesus Christ did and stand on the word of God. That dear, is true warfare. Jesus Christ is the main difference between Christianity and all other religions. That the God who made all things came down on earth and died for us. Now do you understand why there is no way Christians cane be part of the one world religion?

new world religion


I really want Christians to hear this in the light of this new world religion as you will soon be called to make a decision in regard to it:

Dear Christians, as in followers of Jesus Christ, there is no ground on which we can reconcile with any other religions of this earth. And the reason is because of whose name we bear, Jesus Christ the Great I Am the only begotten son of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel. Jesus Christ is the main fundamental difference between Christianity and all other religions. He cannot be reconciled.

 b.How Each Specific God Wants To Be Worshipped Or Is Reached

Furthermore, because each god is different the way they are worshipped and manifest in also fundamentally different and cannot be reconciled.

Here are various ways the gods of different religions in the world want to be worshipped:

  • Chanting and reciting repetitive prayers are the ways some gods are summoned.  
  • Ritualistic dances and with drums are what causes some gods to answer the requests of the people.
  • Sexual perversions of all kind such as incest, bestiality, prostitution, orgies etc. is what cause some the people to harness power in their religions
  • Sacrifices of children are what appeases some gods
  • Sex with humans is what appeases the gods in yet other religions
  • Deep meditations that open one up to be “processed” by an outside spirit is how some come in contact with other gods.
  • Some worship the elements of the earth, water, fire, wind which are elements of creation or the sun, moon, trees, rocks, hills, etc. To this Paul in Galatians 4:8 denounced them altogether as not being god anyways : “Formerly, when you did not know God, you were enslaved to those that by nature are not gods”(Galatians 4:8, ESV)

When you read the Bible cover to cover, you will notice that the Bible talked about almost all religions in some shape or form. However, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel found it an abomination to be worshipped in the same manner as other gods were being worshipped. After he drove out the nations that were in the land of Canaan and gave them to Israel, he warned them in this manner:

Take heed to yourself that you are not ensnared to follow them, after they are destroyed from before you, and that you do not inquire after their gods, saying, ‘How did these nations serve their gods? I also will do likewise.’ You shall not worship the Lord your God in that way; for every [a]abomination to the Lord which He hates they have done to their gods; for they burn even their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods. (Deuteronomy 12:30-32, NKJV)

The passage above did not cite every ritual and practices that non-Christians undertook in their religions but the point is quite clear: the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel does not want to be worshipped as any other Gods as their practices were detestable to him. Let me ask you this question once again, do you honestly think Christians can be part of the new world religion?

I will stop here for today, In PART II of this article, I will continue to cover why all religions are fundamentally different rather than similar under the disguise that we all worship “one god” by expanding on the remaining points below:

  1. The nature of the spirit being referred to as “god” of that particular religion
  2. The origin of creation as described by that god
  3. The purpose of life on earth
  4. The afterlife


Shalom to You in the name of Jesus Christ!


Glory be to the Great I AM the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Our Lord God is One!

Thank you Jesus the GREAT I AM my Lord and King!