The Demon Dog

Calling Someone a “Dog” or “B” and the Actual Demon Dog

demon dog

I have noticed that as our society is becoming more “hyped”, “cool”, or “blended while moving towards a more “popular” rather than conservative or traditional culture, the way in which we express ourselves is rapidly changing. I sincerely believe that there are so many new acronyms or catch-phrases and expressions to describe various occurrences or actions in our day-to-day lives that it is often hard to keep up with them all. We now have terms such as “bae” to imply “baby” to identify one’s love interest, “hubby” similar to the word “bae” in its meaning which is also used to refer to one’s “husband”, “thug” to describe someone who is “tough”, “basic” to indicate boring, or “gaslighting” or its equivalent “jedi mind tricks” to refer to when one playing mind games.

However from a Christian perspective, we should know that not all popular words and catch phrases especially the ones used to describe a “personality trait” as in “I am a (fill in the blank)” should come out of our “mouths” without careful consideration. A simple online search of the origin and meaning of the

popular words we now have in our society to describe “self” as well as a cross-reference check with the Bible should help Christians decide whether or not to add those words to their vocabulary. Why is this so important:

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits. (Proverbs 18:21, ESV)

Do you at least understand how important something such as the names we are given at birth are, and how powerful it is when we are “called” by those names “everyday” of our lives? The tongue is one of the most powerful warfare tools we readily have available. If we think about it carefully, the only weapon in our procession as Christians to fight according to the Bible against principalities, rulers, and powers of darkness in the heavenlies is the “Word” or God. Only the tongue formulates “words”. Words are so powerful that God at the beginning of the Bible changed Abram name to “Abraham”, Jacob to “Israel”, Simon to “Peter”, Saul to “Paul” and so forth. Why? God changed their names to re-align them with the purpose and calling he had for their lives spiritually. As a result, as people will call their names every day, they will directly be calling into existence the very purpose or calling God has over their lives. The Lord of kings created the world we live in only by “words” who is Jesus Christ our Lord: (I would put a . )

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. And God said, “Let there be…. (Genesis 1:1 – 3, ESV)

Now let us refer back to the popular names or catch phrases in our culture nowadays, especially the word: “Dog or the B-word” which has been in usage for several years now. Those words by origin are not inherently bad but used to describe a male and a female animal namely a dog. However, these words in our pop culture now have completely different meanings. They are rather used to profane someone as in ‘curse at’ someone or to “enhance” someone’ perceived ability in the areas of sex or managing tough relationships with others. This form of usage of the word “dog” I believe originated from the Black African American culture, but you will be surprised to know that this form of usage of this word actually originated back in Africa except for the usage of the “B” word for female. Referring to a man as “dog” is both cultures refer to a man who has multiple sexual partners whether single or married. The b-word within our pop culture however is mostly used to refer to a tough girl similar to the pop-word “thug”.

However, why are we talking about a simple pop-word such as “dog or “the b-word” in the first place? The Bible warned us mankind that nothing we see in physical originated in the physical. Rather everything in the physical is the result of whatever has already occurred in the spiritual realm. The physical world we live in and see is not reality. I know, you heard about this in movies as well. The world we live in is the “backstage” and the front stage is the spiritual realm which is not visible to the eyes. The enemy who heavily operates through our media channels including the majority of the TV programming many viewers watch has been bragging about this for years by making it plain and obvious that the spiritual realm is very real. However, they know that many are “asleep” and cannot even recognize the truth in plain sight. As a result, we call those movies “science fiction or horror’. The best way to hide something is in plain sight but I digress.

demon_dog dreams bitch

The most frequent way for any human to interact in the spiritual realm and that many do often is through dreams. Think about it, when you sleep your flesh which is used to interact with this physical word is asleep. Now your spirit man need not to sleep at all while the body sleeps is wide awake and often engages in many actions in the spirit realm that I later remembered upon awakening as dreams. I am not referring to those dreams in which you are dreaming about the steak you ate the previous night with friends before going to bed but real dreams in which many often interact with other spiritual beings, either good or evil. That is why the Bible warned us direly that when things are occurring in our lives most often its genesis is in the front stage, the spiritual world:

For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12, NLT)


The Word “Dog/B-Word” And The Demons Hiding Behind Them

Now the only issue with using the pop-word “dog” or the “B-word” is that there is literally a demon or power of darkness as in an actual entity that is a “dog” which at times look like a dog, the animal. When we speak of demons on this blog especially when we get into describing them, it means we have either seen them or spiritually contended with them in warfare. As a result, we are NOT talking about entities from the figment of our imaginations or mere theories. We are referring to spiritual beings that are as real as you and me, very intelligent, cunning, and EXPONENTIALLY deceiving and evil without bodies. Because they have no bodies, they cannot manifest for us to see them physically in the world but need vessels to act on this earth. Why? To be able to walk this earth God requires that you have a “body suit” as we ourselves do. There is a reason why God himself before coming to earth took on the bodily suit as a human through the womb of a woman.

Hence while we are busy calling ourselves and others: “dogs” and the “b-word”, guess who is happy in the spirit realm? The demon dog(s). Those demons bring upon those who are processed or influenced by them all kinds of uncleanness and sexual perversions that you can think of: masturbation, whoredom / prostitution /Sleeping around , homosexuality, bestiality, filthy and sexual fantasy thoughts and scenarios you keep running in your mind to get yourself

aroused, bestiality as in sleeping with animals, sexual relationship in dreams where you see yourself sleeping with men or women or animals, incest, pedophilia, sodomy, polygamy which is a form of sexual perversion that has been normalized in African communities and dating back to the old testament ,pornography, and all types of sexual sins out there. Every demon has a specialty and a personality. Remember these are beings without bodies but with individual traits and personality. In other words, this unclean/evil “dog” spirit will prevent you from having healthy and godly relationships, and normal sexual lives through marriage that Jesus Christ prescribed even if you try your best. And as a disclaimer, if you are under the influence of these group of demons it does not take much to cross over from one sexual sin to another. What do I mean? It will not take you long to go from the filthy and dirty fantasy thoughts in your minds which by the way are given and sent to you by the demon dog, to prostitution, homosexuality, bestiality, pedophilia, incest, etc. Guys, it is the same demon so as soon as it processes you or you come under its influence, you are capable to easily add on additional sexual perversion sins as extensions to the vices you already have. The goal of these demons is to live their lives vicariously through you which in this case is sexual perversion and abominations. With this knowledge in mind, you now know how to direct your prayers and most importantly ask Jesus himself to show you by adding in fasting as in abstaining from food for a period of time as led by the Holy Spirit. You will be surprised what Jesus Christ will reveal to you. He loves revealing the secret things of darkness so his creatures can be freed! (008080)

Now diving more into those class of demon dogs. Some of those demon dogs I believe are fully dogs while others are mixed breeds. A mixed breed can for example be a dog/male, dog/female, dog/male/female and/or any other combination in 1 single being. The demon dog who is a mixed breed has the ability to easily shapeshift into either of its “character” or “persona” or “being” at any time. The demon who for example is a dog/male/female can appear as a woman only, or just as a man only, or as a dog only, or in the format of all 3 at once. If we carefully consider this from a “logical” standpoint by reviewing the stories in the Bible, we can formulate a biblical explanation as to how these spirit beings can come into existence. In my experience, spiritual things are definitely NOT understood by “logic” but by the spirit. As a result when I say “logic”, I mean understanding of God’s words” to attempt to explain some occurrences or draw conclusions.

Now as it relates to these demons that are mixed breed that I was referring to dog/human, the Bible did forbid bestiality which is the mixture of human sleeping with animals. What would be the result of such union which God called “confusion”? (Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion – KJV, Leviticus 18:23). The offspring of such union would be a half animal and half human. We see lots of these creatures in Greek mythology movies such as a centaur that is half human and half horse for example. I do not believe those are “mythical” beings that existed but rather real beings. When a human die what happens is that our soul is sent either to Heaven or Hell. However, what becomes of the spirits of those weird and abominable creatures as God calls them? The direction God gave in Leviticus is that when such “confusion” happens as in a human having sexual relation with an animal, the offspring of such union must be immediately put to death as well as the woman who committed the perversion. Many theologians have studied the origin of demons and link them to the spirits of the giants that God got rid of in the Genesis. After they died, their evil spirits are now demons as spirits do not die. These mixed breed creatures would fall under those categories. As a result, seeing spirit demons who fit the description of a dog/male/female mix breed should not be such as surprise to us.

Now let us go through the Bible to support those real-life experiences and testimonies with the demon “dog” that were described above. The Bible warned Christians many times to not look at things from a “fleshly”, “physical”, or “carnal” perspective. I cannot stop stressing this enough. Everything we do and things that are occurring in our lives and the world must be looked at from a spiritual perspective rather than a physical one. There are things of course that the common sense that God gave us is enough to address such as “not putting our hands on a hot stove” for example. You do not need “spiritual” discernment to know that you cannot leave your house naked to go to work or to the store. However, many occurrences require spiritual discernment through the Holy Spirit:

Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. (Romans 8:7-10, KJV)

The Animal Dog and The Demon Dog – The Difference

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In the physical world we live in, a dog is viewed as “man’s best friend”. Many in their households have dogs that are considered part of their families. Now keep in mind that definition refers to the physical realm. Now when you look at “dogs” in the Bible, cover-to-cover, the Bible never had anything good to say about them. And those are the “spirit dogs” or dogs in general within a spiritual context.  I know this subject about dogs will be super sensitive to many, but we are learning how to see things from a spiritual perspective on this blog so political correctness and over-sensitivity must be done away with. Speaking of the animal dog in real life, God created all creatures that inhabit the earth and saw that it is good!

Now please consider the following passages in the Bible about dogs. You can see more Bible verses regarding dogs here:

But against any of the sons of Israel a dog will not even bark, whether against man or beast, that you may understand how the Lord makes a distinction between Egypt and Israel. (NASB, Exodus 11:7)

But now those younger than I mock me, whose fathers I disdained to put with the dogs of my flock. (NASB, Job 30:1)

You shall be holy men to Me; therefore you shall not eat any flesh torn to pieces in the field; you shall throw it to the dogs. (NASB, Exodus 22:31)

You shall speak to him, saying, ‘Thus says the Lord, “Have you murdered and also taken possession?”’ And you shall speak to him, saying, ‘Thus says the Lord, “In the place where the dogs licked up the blood of Naboth the dogs will lick up your blood, even yours (NASB, Kings 21:19)

For dogs have surrounded me; A band of evildoers has encompassed me; They pierced my hands and my feet. (NASB, Psalm 22:16)

It has happened to them according to the true proverb, “A dog returns to its own vomit,” and, “A sow, after washing, returns to wallowing in the mire.” (NASB, 2 Peter 2:22)

“Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces. (NASB, Matthew 7:6)

Beware of the dogs, beware of the evil workers, beware of the false circumcision; (NASB, Philippians 3:2)

Outside are the dogs and the sorcerers and the immoral persons and the murderers and the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices lying. (NASB, Revelation 22:15)

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There are many other Bible passages regarding dogs and all similarly carry the same meanings as the ones listed above. The ones selected above clearly drive the point that we are trying to establish regarding the existence of actual demonic entities that are demon dogs or spiritually usage of dogs. The Bible spoke about dogs as:

  1. Enemies (comparative reference) as in evildoers or enemies of people.
  2. Dogs are definitely not holy/clean creatures within the spiritual realm in the eyes of God hence unclean and used in reference to contexts such them licking the blood off of dead carcasses of humans. When anything is unholy, filthy, and dirty, God in the passages above mentioned several times to give them to the dogs. The issue with dogs within the context of holiness and our salvation is as followed:

Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: (KJV, Hebrews 12:14)

  1. The Bible also uses the term dog to refer to Christians who backslide. Because dogs tend to go back and eat their own vomit at times, the Bible uses the image of the dog to indicate that God delivered us from all uncleanness and if we go back to those same sins that we have already been delivered out of which are all uncleanness anyway, then we become dogs:

For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the last state has become worse for them than the first (ESV, 2 Peter 2:20)

Perhaps the most alarming Bible verse regarding these demon spirits of dog or people who exhibit their behaviors as illustrated in the list of Bible verses mentioned earlier is that these unclean spirits if you have or are influenced by them will cause you to miss heaven and go to hell for eternity. God does not want anything unholy or unclean to enter heaven:

Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. Blessed are those who wash their robes,[c] so that they may have the right to the tree of life and that they may enter the city by the gates. Outside are the dogs and sorcerers and the sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood. (ESV, Revelation 22: 13 – 15)

Do you still think it is fun or casual to refer to oneself or others as “dogs” or the “b-word” especially as a Christian? Do you understand what spirit you are coming in agreement with?




Our Words Can Activate the Law of Agreement

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The power of our words can bring us in agreement with that spirit as you keep calling the demon upon yourself or others each time you make sentences such as:

  • Hey dog!
  • She is my “B”
  • I am a dog.
  • She is such a “B”
  • I am “dog” or “B”

The power of our words activates one of the laws in the Bible which I have come to label the law of agreement:

Can two walk together, except they be agreed? (KJV, Amos 3:3)

Before an unclean/evil spirit can possess or oppress you, you or one of your ancestors must have opened a door to it by coming in agreement with it somehow. Whether intentionally or unintentionally. We talked about this in several of our articles now. Verbal agreement via words as we know is one form of agreement. Every time your mouth uses the word “dog” or “B” in relation to oneself or others, you are summoning the demon dog and inviting come into your life or assign it to someone else. This is why God does not take lightly every syllable that comes out of each and every one of our mouths:

I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, (Matthew 12:36, ESV)

Jesus Christ does not take our words we speak carelessly at all because of the power it has to create and establish agreements.

The Demon Dog(s) At Work in Communities of the World

I hope that as our brothers and sisters in the Black American and African communities and all other communities that are gradually now adopting the popular word “dog” or “B-word” are reading this article, you are gaining more understanding of what spirit have now been covenanted with many families in your communities. In the African communities good marriages, stable homes, and faithfulness are the exceptions rather than the rules. Polygamy, cheating, and the overall inability of men to settle down and have an honest family are most often the exception.

The same pattern of “baby mommas” are also prevalent in the Black African communities. I have seen the dog spirit myself in connection to some polygamous families in Africa and as soon as I noticed that the keyword “dog” is frequently used in the Black American communities, I started looking for the traces of the demon dog. And oh Lord, their traces and pattern that results in their activities through people are everywhere! The same patterns of sexual perversion that exist in the communities of our African brothers and sisters equally exist in the Black African American communities. However, many African nations fail to recognize these patterns and link them to the existence these demonic spirits but rather choose to continue following the traditional religion of their “ancestors” .These “ancestors’” religion which many African Americans are now choosing to go back to as a mean to get away from “White Jesus” is nothing but witchcraft which heavily operates from my experience and observations with these demonic dog spirits as well as many other spirits such as the python spirit, the leviathan principality, and such.

Just like our African brothers and sisters are locked in these destructive sexual perversion patterns that are clearly visible in the destruction of healthy families, stable homes, and marriages, our Black African American counterparts are not so surprisingly locked into the same demonic cycle created by the same class of demons. Both communities are failing to see that Jesus Christ is the ONLY way out. Many Black African American churches have failed their communities! Jesus Christ will require it of them! Because this is where the churches are to step in and exercise authorities within their communities against those entities and drive them out. However, there is a lot of dancing, shouting, and all things that seem and look good to men but rejected by God. Meanwhile homosexuality, prostitution, single parents’ homes, and whoremongering amongst others continue to rise at an even higher rate than they were before. In African communities, whoremongering has been normalized under the label of polygamy.

This class of demons have also equally gained grounds in the communities of our white and Asians brothers and sisters but in a different way. In places such as South Korea and many Asian countries, rape cases are on the rise as well as the adoption of sexual relationship to non-human. This adoption of sexual and marital relationship between human and other non-human entities subtly moves mankind away from the ordained commission of God in Genesis for male and female to marry and fill the earth. These human and non-human relations are referred to as inordinate affection. The idea of love between robots and humans are on the rise in Asia though till in its infancy. Marriage to cartoon characters or self are equally emerging.

In addition, the same class of demons have been at work in the western societies in which the communities of our white brothers and sisters mostly emcamp. Marriage between human and animals (bestiality) have been on the rise more than it historically was, wife/husband swapping as in swindlers as well as all the other sexual depravation and abomination we see to one degree or another in the other communities.


Don’t Look at Single Communities – Look At the Big Picture, the Bigger Agenda Jesus Talked About

When you take a step back and look at the whole world, you can see that those same classes of demons have been busy. They simply adapt to different cultures and geographical locations and manifest in subtly different ways however the end result is the same: sexual uncleanness and perversion of the human race that God hates and never intended to occur from the beginning.

When God himself came down, he meant business. People often think that Jesus Christ is that nice guy who came down to do nice things on earth which is good for him right? No Jesus clearly said that he came to take care of business:

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free, (Luke 4:18, NLT)

Ask yourself, who is oppressing you? The demons. To be able to deal with them and win, you need a power higher than theirs and guess who has that power to fight against them:

Jesus Christ ONLY

You can find other powers or gods who work along WITH the demon but there is only one God who has the power OVER them and works AGAINST them, and that is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel who manifesting as a human as Jesus Christ of Nazareth, his only son.

Dear, I hope you will decide to take your life and community back from those entities. You need to stop fighting in the flesh because those entities are not humans, they are spiritual beings. Consequently, you need spiritual warfare tools and power to defeat them. FYI, those class of demons are very stubborn, SUPER stubborn, and wicked as they all are on the larger scale.

Jesus Christ has been waiting on soldiers who are willing to submit themselves to him so he can use you to fight against those entities. He wants to restore you to the beautiful life that he has already written for you since the foundation of this world. Are you tired yet and ready to receive Jesus Christ? If yes, here are few steps to get you started. Feel free to message us as well.

Remember the goal of the power of darkness is to destroy our lives here earth, AND for eternity.

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly (John 10:10, KJV)

Jesus in my own personal experience is the ONLY way out.

Glory be to the Great I AM the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.


Our Lord God is One!

Thank you, Jesus Christ my Lord & Savior!